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Using JWChat for our Instant Messaging System

Written by Dave Houldershaw

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We find that some students studying TSMB have difficulty getting through to our IMS (jabber based) server due to problems with network firewalls. In order to circumnavigate around this problem we have employed a web based jabber client called JWChat.

The URL for this service is http://tsmb14.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/jwchat

On hitting the above link you should get to a login screen:-

The JWChat Login Screen

Please use your TSMB UserID and password to login

Once logged in you should get a window like this:-
(It may be neccessary for you to enable pop-up windows for the tsmb14.cryst.bbk.ac.uk site)

jwchat logged in windows

To access the TSMB course room you need to hit the small 'people' icon at the bottom jwchat people icon

This should bring up a new window:-

jwchat tsmb course room access window

Hit the 'Join' button and a new window should pop-up

jwchat tsmb course room accessed

Type your own messages in the bottom text box and hit 'send', you should see a list of whose about in the right hand window, and of course yours and others messages in the main window.

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